Select Peer Review Publications
Kamath, H.G., et al. (2024) GLObal Building Heights for Urban Studies (UT-GLOBUS) for city and street scale urban simulations: development and first applications. Scientific Data, 11, 888,
Corcoran, F., Parrish, C.E., Magruder, L., and Swinski, J.P. (2024) A scalable, cloud-based workflow for spectrally-attributed ICESat-2b bathymetry with application to benthic habitat mapping using deep learning. AGU Earth and Space Science 11 (11), e2024EA003735
Guenther, E., Magruder, L.. Neuenschwander, A., Dietrich, J., and Maze-England, D., (2024) Examining CNN terrain models for TanDEM-X DEMs using ICESat-2 data in Southeastern United States. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 311, 114293.
Magruder, L., Farrell, S., Neuenschwander, A., Duncanson, L., Csatho, B., Kacimi S., and Fricker, H., (2024) Monitoring Earth’s Climate Variables with Satellite Laser Altimetry. Nature Reviews: Earth & Environment, 5, 120-136.
Sipps, J., and Magruder, L. (2023) Modeling uncertainties for GEDI clear-sky terrain height retrievals using a mixture density network. Remote Sensing, 15 (23),
Dietrich, J., Reese A.R., Gibbons, A., Magruder, L., and Parrish, C. (2023) Analysis of ICESat-2 Data Acquisition Algorithm Enhancements to Improve Worldwide Bathymetric Coverage. AGU Earth and Space Science, Open Archive. In review. Available at
Dietrich, J. Magruder, L. and Holwill, M. (2023) Monitoring Coastal Waves with ICESat-2. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 11 (11), 2082.
Sipps J. and Magruder L., (2023) Iterative swath envelope gridding: Efficient runtime complexity for remote sensing coverage analysis. AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 60, 4.
Herrmann, J., Magruder, L., Markel, J., and Parrish, C. (2022) Assessing the ability to quantify bathymetric change over time using solely satellite-based measurements. Remote Sensing, 14(5),
Neuenschwander, A., Magruder, L.A., Guenther, E., Hancock, S., and Purslow, M. (2022) Radiometric assessment of ICESat-2 over vegetated surfaces. Remote Sensing, Vol. 14(3).
Simurda, C., Magruder, L.A., Markel, J., Garvin, J., and Slayback, D. (2022) ICESat-2 application for investigating emerging volcanoes. Geosciences, Vol.12 (1).
Magruder, L.A., Neuenschwander, A., and Klotz, B. (2021) Digital terrain model elevation corrections using space-based imagery and ICESat-2 laser altimetry. Remote Sensing of the Environment, Vol. 264, 112621.
Magruder, L.A., Brunt, K., Neumann, T., Klotz, B. and Alonzo, M. (2021) Passive ground-based optical techniques for monitoring the ICESat-2 geolocation and footprint diameter on-orbit. Earth and Space Science., L.A., Neumann, T.A., and Kurtz, N. (2021) ICESat-2 early mission synopsis and observatory performance, Earth and Space Science. Vol. 8(5)
Babel, B., Parrish, C. and Magruder, L. (2021) Active-Passive space-based data fusion for benthic studies in high latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 48(5), e2020GL090629.
Bae, S., James, M., Helgeson, B., Magruder, L.A., Thomas. T., and Luthcke, S. (2021) The precision pointing determination for ICESat-2. Earth and Space Science, Vol. 8 (4), e2020EA001478.
Fricker, H.A., Arndt, P., Adusumilli, S., Delta, T., Fair, Z., Jasinski, M., Kingslake, J., Magruder L. A., Moussavi, M., Pope A., Spergel, J. (2020) Revisiting surface meltstreams on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 48(8), e2020GL090550
Magruder, L.A., Brunt, K. M. and Alonzo, M. (2020) Early ICESat-2 on-orbit geolocation validation using ground-based corner cube retro-reflectors. Remote Sensing, vol. 12 (21), 21.
Magruder, L.A., Brunt, K. M. and Alonzo, M. (2020) Early ICESat-2 on-orbit geolocation validation using ground-based corner cube retro-reflectors. Remote Sensing, vol. 12 (21), 21.
Klotz, B., Neuenschwander, A., and Magruder, L.A. (2019) High-resolution ocean wave and wind characteristics determined by the ICESat-2 land surface algorithm. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 47, Issue 1.
Neumann, T., Martino, A., Markus, T., Bae, S., Bock, M., Brenner, A., Brunt, K., Cavanaugh, J., Fernandes, S., Hancock, D., Harbeck, K., Lee, J., Kurtz, N., Luers, P., Luthcke, S., Magruder, L., Pennington, T., Ramos-Izquierdo, L., Rebold, T., Skoog, J., and Thomas, T. The Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2: A global geolocated photon product. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Vol. 233, 111325.
Magruder, L.A., Neumann, T. A., Brunt, K., Farrell, S., Fricker, H., Gardner, A., Hancock, D. Harbeck, K., Jasinski, M., Kwok, R., Kurtz, N., Lee, J., Markus, T., Morison, J., Neuenschwander, A.L., Palm, S., Popescu, S., Smith, B., and Yang, Y. (2019) New Earth orbiter provides a sharper look at a changing planet. EOS, 100,
Neuenschwander A.L, Magruder, L.A., (2019) Canopy and terrain height retrievals with ICESat-2: A first look. Remote Sensing. Vol. 11, Issue 14. DOI: 10.3390/rs11141721.
Parrish, C., Magruder, L.A., Neuenschwander, A., Forfinski-Sarkozi, N., Alonzo, M., and Jasinski, M. (2019) Validation of ICESat-2 ATLAS bathymetry and analysis of ATLS’s bathymetric mapping performance. Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, Issue 14, July 2019. DOI: 10.3390/rs11141634
Magruder, L.A., and Brunt, K. M. (2018) Performance analysis of airborne photon-counting lidar data in preparation of ICESat-2. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 56, No. 5, May 2018.
Markus, T., Neumann, T., Martino, A., Abdalati, W., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Farrell, S., Fricker, H., Gardner, A., Harding, D., Jasinski, M., Kwok, R., Magruder, L., Lubin, D., Luthcke, S., Morison, J., Nelson, R., Neuenschwander, A., Palm, S., Popescu, S., Shum, C.K., Schutz, B., Smith, B., Yang, Y., and Zwally, H.J. (2017). The Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2): Science requirements, concept and implementation. Remote Sensing of the Environment, Vol. 190, March 2017.
Neuenschwander, A.L., and Magruder, L.A., (2016) Potential impact of vertical sampling uncertainty on ICESat-2/ATLAS terrain and canopy height retrievals for multiple ecosystems. Remote Sensing, 8 (12), 1039; doi: 10.3390/rs8121039.
Leigh, H.W., and Magruder, L.A. (2016): Using dual-wavelength, full-waveform airborne laser altimetry for surface classification and vegetation characterization. Remote Sensing of the Environment, vol. 10 (4). doi:10.1117/1.JRS.10.045001.
Magruder, L.A., Leigh, H.W., and Neuenschwander, A.L. (2016): Evaluation of terrain and canopy height products in Central African Tropical Forests. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol 37, issue 22, pp. 5365-5387.
Leigh, H.W., Magruder, L.A., Carabajal, C.C., Saba, J.L., and McGarry, J. (2015): Development of Onboard Digital Elevation and Relief Databases for ICESat-2. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 4.
Stevenson, T., L. Magruder, A. Neuenschwander, and B. Bradford, (2013) An automated bare earth extraction technique for complex topography in LIDAR surveys. IEEE J. of Appl. Remote Sens. Vol. 7 (1) 073560 doi: 10.117/1.JRS.7.073560
Magruder. L., A. Neuenschwander and S. Marmillion, Lidar waveform stacking techniques for faint ground return extraction. IEEE J. of Appl. Remote Sens. Vol. 4, 043501, 2010.
Magruder, L., R. Ricklefs, E. Silverberg, M. Horstman,, M. Suleman and B. Schutz. ICESat geolocation validation using Airborne Photography. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No.6; doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2040831, 2010.
Neuenschwander, A.L., Magruder, L.A., and Tyler, M. Landcover classification of small-footprint, full-waveform lidar data. IEEE J. of Applied Remote Sensing. Vol. 3, L033544 doi:10.1117/1.3229944, 2009.
Neuenschwander, A.L. and Magruder, L.A., Terrestrial Laser Ranging: Current Capabilities and Future Potential. ASPRS Manual of Remote Sensing, Chapter 4, 2008.
Magruder, L, E. Silverberg, C. Webb and B. Schutz, ICESat Elevation Data Product Verification at White Sands Space Harbor. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Vol. 45, Issue 1, pp. 147-155. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2006.885070, 2007.
Magruder, L., E. Silverberg, C. Webb and B. Schutz, In Situ Timing and Pointing Verification of the ICESat Altimeter using a Ground Based System, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, L21S04, doi:10.1029/2005GLO23504, 2005.
Bae, S., L. Magruder, R. Ricklefs, S. Yoon, C. Webb, and B. Schutz, ICESat/GLAS Precision Attitude Determination for early laser operation. AAS-04-118. April 2004.
Schutz, B., S. Bae, L. Magruder, R. Ricklefs, H. Rim, E. Silverberg, C. Webb and S. Yoon. Precision Orbit and Attitude Determination for ICESat. American Astronautical Society, John L. Junkins Astrodynamics Symposium, College Station, TX. AAS 03-282. May, 2003
Magruder, L. A., M.A. Suleman, and B.E. Schutz, ICESat Laser Altimeter Measurement Time Calibration System. Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 14, issue 11, pages 1978 – 1985, 2003.
Magruder, L.A., B.E. Schutz and E.C. Silverberg, Laser Pointing Angle and Time of Measurement Verification of the ICESat Laser Altimeter using a Ground-Based Electro optical Detection System. Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 77, pp. 148-154, 2003.